The Goodpush Alliance is an initiative by Skateistan to support and share knowledge among social skateboarding projects worldwide, so that we can make a bigger impact together. Globally, there are now more than 1,000 skateboarding-for-youth-development projects working in 115+ countries. Goodpush provides a platform for these projects to connect and collaborate, as well as training, resources, and funding.

Visit The Goodpush

Since Goodpush launched in early 2018, we have directly supported 425+ social skateboarding projects in 80+ countries through training, events, and distributing $345,000 in grants.

Goodpush initiatives include:
ROLL Models: Leadership program and seed grants for women and non-binary-led social skateboarding projects in Europe
Pushing Against Racism: Coordination of the Commitment to Anti-Racism in Skateboarding and the PAR Fund
Open Boarders Network: Supporting the growth of skateboarding programs for displaced communities worldwide
Collective Impact: Facilitating the creation of a shared Theory of Change with 30+ social skateboarding organizations and running the Annual Survey of Social Skateboarding Worldwide 
Goodpush Summits: In-person and online conferences bringing together social skate experts and practitioners.

Find out more about some of our recent Goodpush partners from ROLL Models and the Pushing Against Racism Fund below!